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  • Writer's pictureKelly Marks

Simply the Best

I’m writing a little later today because I had the opportunity for some fun earlier! I got the chance to spend some time with my cousin, Lynn, and also to learn how to make the best cheesecake ever. It was a win-win.

Lynn lives in Lexington, South Carolina, and we are the only female cousins in the family, so we stick together! It doesn’t hurt that we get along really well, and we sincerely like each other. With our busy schedules we don’t get to visit as often as we’d like, and it has been a while since we’ve been together! Lynn frequently has to come to Charlotte for some reason or another and we meet up here.

Today though, I drove to Lexington, South Carolina, because it was Lynn‘s friend Matt who was going to teach us how to make the cheesecake. I had also never seen Lynn‘s new house so I was excited.

I plugged her address into the GPS and took off. Most of the places I travel require that I go up I-85 North to get there, but for this trip I needed to go I-77 south. Because I so rarely travel that interstate, I tend to remember the few trips when I have used it.

Today I was on a stretch of road and it triggered the memory of when Paul and I got stuck in traffic as we headed to Charleston for our honeymoon in the “Just Married" car. People would honk and wave as they passed us. It was so much fun.

I was surprised by how vivid that memory was today, even though it was only a snippet of the trip. I remember Paul and I talked non stop as we traveled. We were comparing notes about the wedding and the things that were a complete blur.

As I continued to drive today, I saw a car ahead of me and realized I was going to have to pull into the left lane and pass them. They were traveling at a much slower pace. As I got closer to them I noticed all the neon messages on the back window, and then I read “Just Married“ among the writings. I peered into their car and saw how young and fresh-faced they were. I couldn’t help but think how innocent they looked. They are just beginning a journey that will be joyous and scary and irritating, and often all at the same time. Looking back at the things Paul and I have gotten through together, and learned together, it feels pretty amazing how far we’ve come.

All those years ago I had known Paul was the one. There was literally no doubt - ever. I don’t know if some people wonder about what kind of parent their partner will be, but it never entered my mind to wonder whether he would be a good dad. That was too far into the future to even ponder.

Eight years after that honeymoon we became parents. Looking back on these 30 years of marriage and 21, almost 22, years of parenthood, I am astounded at how blessed we have been. Just like the vows said there have been good times and bad times, sickness and health, (the part not in the vows were the years of having an infant, a toddler, a tween, a teen, and now empty nest) and through it all, Paul has been an amazing friend, husband. As a father, he has been a wonderful teacher, playmate, sounding board, advice-giver, and all around best dad I know of. I don't know if he could beat a cheesecake, but...

Happy Father’s Day!

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